Wisconsin Symposium on Feminist Biology!
Sari van Anders
August 14, 2014
[Image with the following text: Center for Research on Gender & Women]
Wisconsin Symposium on Feminist Biology
Join us October 10 – 11 as we consider how to uncover and reverse gender bias in biology
Keynote speakers:
Anne Fausto-Sterling, Brown University
Sari van Anders, University of Michigan
Featured speaker:
Caroline VanSickle, Wittig Postdoctoral Fellow in Feminist Biology, University of Wisconsin—Madison
Open to faculty from all disciplines, researchers, and graduate students!
The Center for Research on Gender and Women at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is pleased to announce the Wisconsin Symposium on Feminist Biology to deliberately examine creating new research, new topics, new methods, new theories that remove the gender bias in biological research.
Click for complete conference details including directions on how to submit a poster
At a glance:
When: Fri-Sat, Oct 10-11
Where: Red Gym, Madison, WI
Cost: Full symposium early bird $55 until Oct 1st, $70 after. Students $10.
Questions? Contact Janet Shibley Hyde: jshyde@wisc.edu 608-262-9522
Made possible through the Gertraude Wittig Endowment
Co-sponsored by the Departments of Anthropology, Medical History and Bioethics, and the Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute
Supported, in part, by the University Lectures Committee