Save the Date for Feminist Biology!
May 14, 2014
Sari van Anders
Save-the-date for Feminist Biology! Why? Because Anne Fausto-Sterling will be speaking. If hearing one of the key players in feminist biology isn’t enough for you, I just heard her at NeuroGenderings, and she has some amazing new data. Plus, she is a major tweeter (@Fausto_Sterling) and I know that the day is coming when she live tweets her own talk. Also, you will get to hear Caroline Van Sickle, the fabulous inaugural Wittig Post Doc in Feminist Biology at Wisconsin (read about her and the post doc here and here). Finally, I have it on good account that Sari van Anders will also be speaking, mostly because I am Sari van Anders (and by ‘mostly’ I mean ‘entirely’). Save the date, plan to attend, and help spread the news. More information is forthcoming in July, including about registration and posters. Here’s the PDF to share: Flyer Symposium 2014
[Image of the poster for the Wisconsin Symposium on Feminist Biology]