“Normal” is, well, normal… right?
Sari van Anders
October 11, 2013
We have an ongoing series, here at Gap Junction Science, where people can write in with their questions. The series is called, with admirable concision, “Dear Feminist Scientists and Science-y Feminists.” Here is an older installment and here is another one. You can submit your questions here! To keep it anonymous, just tell us you don’t want your name listed. But also… be a part of our community by providing your thoughts to any of the questions in the series! Just log in, and comment. Happy reading and happy commenting!
[Image of a digital map focusing on a place called "Normal"]
Dear Feminist Scientists and Science-y Feminists,
In the behavioral sciences, I sometimes see people refer to one group under investigation as “normal”. The other groups are, then, I guess abnormal? That kind of seems problematic. Especially because the ‘normal’ group is usually a majority and reference group in some way, for example a healthy control, straight-identified, or something like that.